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Looking back over the past year, and the decade as a whole, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the good fortune I’ve been blessed with in life thus far. The last decade was certainly a monumental one personally, and I can only hope that the next is nearly as good.

A few memories from 2019:

Looking back at the decade as a whole:


As is common with the season, there has been a lot of reflection and introspection over the course of the past month or so. It’s hard to believe the decade has come to an end, and before I know it I’ll be writing, Lord willing, a similar post about the next. Speculating as to what tomorrow will bring is a fool’s errand, however, I do believe in the impact of intent. How we spend our days is how we spend our lives, and if we’re not conscious of our time – whether it be minutes, hours, days, weeks or years – before we know it, it is gone.

Here’s to 2020 & beyond!

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